Under this pillar we gather everything we do to reduce our environmental impact globally. Our focus is to use our resources as efficiently as possible throughout our business, by – among other things – reviewing our product offering to replace the biggest sources of emission with alternatives, efficient production methods, improved packaging, and transports, as well as reducing water usage. Our long-term goal is to turn Greenfood Iberica CO2 neutral and produce our food on terms with nature.
The carbon footprint refers to the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions associated with all the activities of an individual, organization, or community.
Our goal is to make as small a climate footprint as possible – within the limits of what the planet can withstand. Our aim is to reduce CO2e emissions per kg of food sold from an already low 0.53 to 0.26 CO2e per kg of food by 2030, using 2021 as the base year.
Greenfood Iberica has joined the Science Based Targets Initiative to strengthen our sustainability work further, clarify the journey towards a more sustainable business, and has set climate goals in line with what science says is needed to reach the 1.5-degree goal.
The food choices we make and the way we eat have an impact on the climate and environment.
Eat more vegetables, they are good for you and for the planet, you already know that ;)
Our goal is to make as small a climate footprint as possible – within the limits of what the planet can withstand. Our aim is to reduce CO2e emissions per kg of food sold from an already low 0.53 to 0.26 CO2e per kg of food by 2030, using 2021 as the base year.
We have joined the Science Based Targets Initiative to strengthen our sustainability work further, clarify the journey towards a more sustainable business, and has set climate goals in line with what science says is needed to reach the 1.5-degree goal.
What are our goals within Greenfood?
Remember! The food choices we make and the way we eat, have an impact on the climate and environment.
The diversity of life on earth has decreased drastically since the 1970s and the overall biodiversity is threatened.
Global food production has a major impact on biodiversity, but we believe that we can play an important part in reducing this negative impact. Plant-based food requires significantly less agricultural land than meat and dairy products, providing more space for natural areas.
Our product range is 100% plant-based, which means that a functioning ecosystem is crucial for us in order to be able to satisfy our consumers’ demand for good, healthy and sustainable food. The importance of biodiversity for our business has made it an important focus area and a priority for us.
Agricultural biodiversity is essential to ensure the long-term sustainability of agriculture.
Bumblebee pollination is not only beneficial for crop production, but also plays a crucial role in biodiversity conservation.
Relationship between bees and biodiversity:
Importance of pollinators in agriculture:
Biological control in capsicums: The implementation of biological control as the basis for IPM - integrated pest management in cultivation has transformed it.
Good bugs beat the bad ones!
Although their name may sound curious, these hotels are not intended to host insects in the same way a hotel accommodates people.
Instead, they serve important functions in the natural environment and in our gardens and orchards.
In recent decades, many farmers have adopted the practice of monoculture, which involves planting the same type of crop on the same land for several years.
However, this has been shown to deplete the soil and disrupt its mineral balance, making the soil less suitable for harvesting each year. This is where crop rotation comes into play.
On one hand, packaging can extend product shelf life and cut food waste, on the other, it can sometimes impact the environment negatively. At Greenfood Iberica, we are constantly trying to find the model that has the smallest impact. This includes reducing the number of cutleries amount of packaging or switching to material with less climate impact.
We are saving at least 330 tons of virgin carton per year, by changing our own brands carton boxes to recycled and recyclable.
15 fullfilled trucks!!!
All the packaging materials we use are 100% recyclable.
Minimize use of packaging material by smarter product development, innovations and supplier requirements.
Water is an extremely important raw material throughout our value chain, especially in the supply chain where water consumption is used in cultivation.
Food production accounts for about 70% of global water use.
In the supply chain, we are working to enhance, both, our own and our suppliers knowledge of water stress and what we can do to improve its responsable management in different regions.
All our suppliers are certified with Global GAP and 40% have the additional sustainable water management certification SPRING as an add-on to Global Gap.
Taking care of water is necessary if we want to ensure food for the future generations Conventional irrigation practices result in a huge water loss.
Irrigation systems have evolved towards technologies whose main objective is to avoid wasting this natural resource.
Some of our farmers invest in smart technologies and irrigate according to the information collected by humidity sensors and to the soil´s needs.
Humidity sensors are devices inserted in the soil and connected to an AI driven computer systems, strategically distributed in the crops.
The system receives the information from the soil, and when a lack of humidity is detected, they automatically activate the irrigation system.
Depending on climate conditions. They´ll need use more or less water, and the volumes saved are variable.
In normal conditions, they can save almost a 30% of water consumption in comparison with conventional drip irrigation without sensors.
Collecting rainwater is vital in crop growing areas, as it saves a large amount of water from community sources.
The rainwater is stored in protected pools, some of which are even covered, to ensure that it is suitable for irrigation, preventing it from being contaminated by animals or intentionally.