Bio tomatoes are cultivated using sustainable practices. They do not contain chemical residues and are rich in beneficial substances.
Cherry round tomato, Cherry plum tomato, Round tomato, Plum tomato and Vine tomato.
Flavour and Nutrition: Bio veggies prioritize flavour and nutritional value. Techniques like crop rotation and natural fertilizers enhance soil health.
Capsicum California, Capsicum Palermo, Courgette, Aubergine, Cucumber (Dutch), Capsicum Sweet Bite, Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Butternut.
Environmental Impact: Bio farming promotes biodiversity and protects ecosystems. It avoids harmful chemicals that can harm soil, water, and wildlife.
Iceberg, Mini romaine, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Pointed Cabbage, Lollo Rosso, Romana, Little Gem, Kohlrabi, Celery, Romanesco, Leek, Kale, Beetroot, Asparagus, Carrot and Chard.
Natural Pest Control: Beneficial insects and birds and used as natural depredators. Basically, good bugs fight the bad ones!
Orange, Mandarine, Lemon, Grapefruit and Lime.
Hotel of insects! They offer a save place for insects to live and reproduce, which contributes to the pollination of our trees.
Avocado, Mango, Papaya, Kaki and Pomegranate.
Farming and Biopesticides: Bio farming aims to reduce reliance on synthetic chemicals. Biopesticides, also known as biological alternatives, play a crucial role in organic agriculture.
Nectarine, Peach, Paraguayo and Plum.
We like it! Crop rotation is a valuable agricultural practice that involves growing different types of crops in a planned sequence on the same fields, which improves soil health by reducing nutrient depletion and preventing soil exhaustion.
Watermelon, Yellow melon, Galia melon, Cantaloupe melon ans Piel de sapo melon.
Compost: Our bio farmers use compost made from plant and animal waste to improve soil structure and fertility.
Grapes, Peas and Artichoke.